Thursday, December 6, 2012

Yogis Baby

So my baby is gonna be a Yogis!
Babies are natural yogis! 

-A baby can develop through yoga poses, and it can aid their motor skills.
-Yoga helps to improve sleeping patterns, as well as encourages sleeping through the night.
-Yoga poses and stretches for infants aid in digestion, constipation, and relieve gas and colic.
-it promotes bonding between parents and babies.
-Soothing techniques teach parents to help babies to calm themselves.
-Increases body awareness, both for baby and parent.
-it is a great way for Moms to strengthen their bodies, calm their minds, feel relaxed, and get back in shape.
-it reduces stress for both parents and babies.
-It creates balance between strength and flexibility in developing bodies, so they grow strong and maintain the flexibility they are born with.
-Initiates social interaction in a non-competitive environment for both babies and new parents
-it's a great way to meet other new Moms and Dads.
-Healthy habits learned early in life become healthy habits later in life.

 So me & my baby love yoga!

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